
Dr. Govind Singh is an environment and sustainability professional based in Delhi. He is an environmentalist, academician and consultant, who never misses an opportunity to advocate for the green cause. Dr. Singh is currently associated with the O.P. Jindal Global University as founding-associate professor and associate dean of Environmental Studies. He is also the Co-Founder and Hon. Director of Delhi Greens NGO.

Dr. Govind Singh has been an environmental youth leader from an early age. It was only natural that he grew up to obtain his master’s and PhD degrees in Environmental Studies. He completed his formal education at the University of Delhi (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) and continues to learn, along with his colleagues & students, from the complexities and marvels of the natural world!

Dr. Govind Singh has taught over 2,000 students at the University of Delhi and has inspired and motivated many more for taking up careers in the service of Mother Nature. In 2008, he co-founded Delhi Greens as a youth-led environmental organisation and also played an instrumental role in kick-starting the Youth-Climate movement in India and South Asia. The first Delhi Youth Summit on Climate Change, organised by Dr. Govind Singh in 2008, was followed by the launch of the first Delhi Climate Action Plan by the Delhi Govt the following year.

Dr. Govind Singh loves to balance classroom teaching with field expeditions, be it for bird watching, planting seeds, visiting a wetland, learning from a forest or from a traditional community that depends on it. When not in the classroom, he can be found protecting natural and built heritage in Delhi, connecting with eco-spirituality in the Himalaya or cruising the hills of North-east India for developing ecotourism and sustainable livelihood opportunities.

You can connect with him for sharing your experiences of spending time with Nature and for exchanging notes on all things natural. [Contact]

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